Paycheck Calculators

Paycheck Calculators

Use the below paycheck calculators to learn more about your pay and taxes based on information you provide. Much of the information that these calculators require can be found on your paystubs or on the ECCA Payroll+ employee self-service site, MyStack.

Net Pay

Net Pay

Determine your net pay (i.e. your take-home-pay) after any taxes and deductions are withheld.

Hourly Rate

Hourly Rates

Determine your net pay (i.e. your take-home-pay) based on an entered pay rate and the number of hours worked.

Gross Pay

Gross Pay

Provide your net pay (i.e. your take-home-pay) to determine your wage before any taxes and deductions are withheld.

Aggregate Bonus

Aggregate Bonus

Provide your last paycheck and bonus amounts to determine the correct withholdings for any special wage payments.

Percentage Bonus

Percentage Bonus

Provide your last paycheck and bonus amounts to use a supplemental tax rate to determine the correct withholdings. Please note that not all states utilize a supplement tax rate.

Form W-4

Form W-4

The Form W4 determines how much tax is withheld from your paycheck. Follow the steps to complete this form then print an official copy to provide to your company’s payroll department.
